Happy Home Pumpkin Pie

Happy Home Pumpkin Pie Recipe

1 can (16 oz) of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
1 tsp butter melted
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp ground all spice
1 tsp Happy Home Imitation Vanilla Flavor

2 large eggs
1 unbaked 9" pie crust (try our Perfect Pie Crust)
whipped topping (if desired)

Preheat oven to 425°F
In a large bowl mix pumpkin puree, condensed milk, melted butter, spices, both eggs, Happy Home Imitation Vanilla Flavor, and Happy Home Imitation Butter & Nut Flavor. Mix until well combined.
Pour into pie crust. Bake on 425° for 15 minutes.
Then reduce oven to 350° for 35 additional minutes.
Check readiness by inserting a knife in center of the pie. If the knife comes out clean, pie is ready to come out of the oven. Remove from the oven and cool on wire rack.
Once cool, serve topped with whipped topping if desired!


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